Sustainability & Safety

Zero injuries and zero incidents – We want you all to return home safely.
For us, sustainability is any initiative that can reduce our environmental footprint and make our operations safer.
At Vroon, we operate in accordance with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). With concrete targets, the SDGs aim to end poverty and hunger, expand access to health, education, justice and jobs, and promote inclusive and sustained economic growth, while protecting our planet from environmental degradation.
In line with these SDGs, ENVIRONMENTAL, STAKEHOLDERS and PEOPLE are the three main pillars that warrant and support a sustainable future for Vroon:
- Environmental (in particular, SDGs 12 and 14);
- Stakeholders (in particular, SDG 17);
- People (in particular, SDGs 3 and 4).
Vroon Group has published a Modern Slavery Statement as a response to the UK Modern Slavery Act. It sets out the steps Vroon Group has taken to prevent acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring in its business and supply chain.
Sustainability is a key element in our Vision & Mission and is an integral part of our Core Values.
We are committed to protecting the environment and reducing our environmental footprint, in line with the industry’s Road-to-Zero strategy.
Our sustainability initiatives
Below initiatives are just a glimpse of what we have done so far. Many more sustainability initiatives have been undertaken across the Vroon Group.
War on plastics
In March 2021 Vroon pledged to the International Marine Purchasing Association SAVE project, another step in our ongoing sustainability efforts. “Getting to Zero” aims to reduce the use of plastic drinking water bottles on board vessels. More than 5,600 vessels – equivalent to over 10% of the global fleet – have already signed up for this environmental and sustainability project. We are now spreading this initiative across our vessels.
Focussing on our goal of ZERO pollution from plastic waste to sea we are committed to continuously minimising the generation of shipboard plastic waste.
Our Singapore office made a set of guidelines to declare War on Plastics by taking some steps to Remove / Reduce (where it is possible and by providing alternatives) and Reuse (where it is possible). -
Usage of LED lightning throughout the fleet
Special hull paint
Prior to every drydocking the past and anticipated vessel trading patterns are being analysed and the most energy-efficient hull coating then being selected. On many of our deepsea vessels silicone-based anti-fouling has been applied, which reduces the vessel consumption considerably.
Ballast-Water Treatment Systems
Depending on vessel type and trading pattern our vessels have been equipped with ballast-water treatment systems (BWTS), further reducing the environmental footprint of our fleet.
Energy-saving devices
For each single vessel type and trade pattern the most energy efficient energy-saving devices are being considered. Recently we installed propeller boss cap fins on some of our high-heat tankers.
Stock up on Health
Livestock Express Stock up on Health CampaignLivestock Express and catering supplier International Food Services (IFS) teamed up to organise the Stock Up On Health Campaign. The Campaign aimed to support the Livestock Express crews in achieving a healthier lifestyle.
This video gives you an impression of the photos, videos and presentations submitted by our crew members on board the Livestock Express vessels during all phases of the Campaign.
Every accident is one too many. At Vroon we truly believe that if we work together it is possible to create an incident-free working environment, where we all return home safe and healthy after duty, to the ones we care for most.
We strive to make our vessels and workplaces safe places to be. This, in an industry that is inherently dangerous and where we are surrounded by hazards on a day-to-day basis. After any incident, we investigate what happened and what we should do to prevent a future reoccurrence.
We believe that by learning collectively we can prevent all significant incidents. In order to continue our journey towards a safer working place, we must apply safe ways of working and actively target behaviour. Our work in this area is never finished, as we must constantly improve our safety performance. As our environment evolves, we need to adapt and change our awareness. We motivate each and every person to contribute towards the growth of a culture where working safely is a constant; working unsafely is simply unacceptable!
At Vroon, we believe in this long-term cultural change process and we expect all, management and employees alike, to fully support this process. Our renowned Leaders in Safety (LiS) programme has been successfully running since 2013. Through active participation and improved safety awareness, we are seeing that incidents can be prevented. The QHSE statistics confirm that our LiS programme really does bring results, with a significant reduction in incidents over recent years.

We commit to safe practices in all our operations and in everyday actions.
We have a duty of care for the safety, health and wellbeing of our employees and of those we serve.
Our “Leaders in Safety” Award
Each year our colleagues nominate their Leader in Safety, with the winner being chosen by the Board of Directors.
All these nominations are excellent examples of intervention and/or safety leadership across Vroon Group, paying witness to the continuing success of our Leaders in Safety (LiS) programme.
Leaders in Safety Award winners through the years:
2024 - Cook Aleksandrs Berezins, AB/AMA Alexander Gordon and 3/E Christopher McCarthy - VOS Tracker
2023 - AB Vladimirs Kameko - VOS Valiant
2022 - AB Paulo Masangkay Solarte – Iver Ability
2021 - AB Andrej Medvedev – VOS Passion
2020 - AB Sherwin Montaño – Girolando Express
2019 - AB Angelo M. Blay – Gudali Express
2018 - AB Hugo III Sanquilos Sealquil – VOS Sugar
2017 - 3/O Junre Parilla – Iver Accord
2016 - AB Cleto Jr. Mabida – Shorthorn Express
2015 - AB Richard Llunar – VOS Atlanta
2014 - 2/E Mr Junaidi – VOS Shelter

Remember, we want you all to return home safely!
To keep our safety journey alive we hold an annual Group-wide Safety Day, known as Vroon24. From noon to noon, across the timelines, we contact all vessels and offices to talk about safety and wellbeing in an informal setting. Teambuilding events are organised and staff members are encouraged to submit their photos and films, based on a specific safety theme. The event is promoted via our communication channels and input received is combined in a special Vroon24 movie.

We believe safety is a “mindset” and an integral part of our decision making.
We actively lead developments that improve the safety of shipping operations.
A selection of Awards received
Maritime Safety Award
Read moreSeptember 2022
Able Seaman Arturs Stols voted as overall winner in the Step Change in Safety Marine category of the Offshore Safety Awards.
PTTEP Thailand Safety Award
Read moreMarch 2022
Vroon Offshore Services Singapore receives Four-Star CEO SSHE Contractor Award.
PTTEP Thailand Safety Award
April 2021
Vroon Offshore Services Singapore receives CEO SSHE Contractor Award for both 2019 (Double Star) and 2020 (Triple Star).